
Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)

Similar to the UK, Speech Pathology Australia accredits both Bachelor’s and Master’s programs as equivalent and qualifying degrees to become a Speech and Language Pathologist. The following links provide information on the 21 fully accredited Bachelor’s and/or Master’s programs throughout Australia as well as 4 new programs with provisional accreditation.

Programs in:

New South Wales

Australian Catholic University (Bachelor’s)
Charles Sturt University (Bachelor’s–Fully Accredited; Master’s–Provisional)
Macquarie University (Master’s)
University of Newcastle (Bachelor’s)
University of Sydney (Bachelor’s/Master’s)
University of Technology Sydney (Master’s–Provisional)


Australian Catholic University (Bachelor’s–Provisional)
Central Queensland University (Bachelor’s)
University of Queensland (Bachelor’s/Master’s)
James Cook University (Bachelor’s)
Griffith University (Master’s)

South Australia

Flinders University (Bachelor’s/Master’s)


Australian Catholic University (Bachelor’s)
La Trobe University (Bachelor’s/Master’s)
University of Melbourne (Master’s)

Western Australia

Curtin University (Bachlor’s/Master’s)
Edith Cowan University (Bachelor’s)

Australia Capital Territory

University of Canberra (Master’s–Provisional)

General application requirements for Master’s programs in Australia

  • Completed undergraduate degree in a field outside of speech pathology (or Bachelor’s in the field from the USA).
  • GPA of 5.0 or higher (USA equivalency is around 3.0 GPA or higher. UK equivalency is around a second class honors degree).

**A Bachelor’s degree obtained in Australia will qualify the student for work in Australia but will NOT qualify the student for work in the USA or Canada. Though ASHA MAY recognize degree equivalency and award the clinician with their CCC, State licensing requirements vary and may not recognize degree equivalency. Therefore, a Master’s degree should be obtained for those wishing to work in the USA and Canada.

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