
With over 600,000 individuals in need of speech and language services, it’s no wonder why this country has become the center of SLP development in Southeast Asia. Several NGOs, volunteers, and established clinics and hospitals work towards the same goal: to bring speech, language, and swallowing services to underserved areas in Cambodia and ultimately train local therapists to become professional Speech and Language Pathologists through the development of the first university course and training program.

Check out these volunteer and paid job opportunities for professionals and students with organizations that share this same goal:

Work Opportunities

Happy Kids Clinic is a pediatric clinic located in Phnom Penh which was started by the NGO, OICCambodia. OIC recognized the need for services and established this clinic to provide SLP and OT services and raise awareness of communication difficulties. All profits go towards OIC’s work including efforts to establish the first university program in Cambodia for local therapists. Additionally, Happy Kids Clinic serves as a place for future students to complete their clinical placements. Happy Kids Clinic is hiring for paid Speech and Occupational Therapist positions! Check out their website to learn more about their work and how to contact them.

Volunteer Opportunities

Since 2007, City, University of London has been sending newly qualified therapists from their Bachelor’s and Postgraduate programs to Phnom Penh to work with various populations including cleft lip and palate, mental health, and schools. City graduates have also played an integral role in the delivery of speech and language modules for local therapists enrolled in the 12-week SLP/SLT course at Passtra University. Students, interested in this opportunity?..first step, apply for your degree at City!

Speech Therapy Cambodia’s mission is to develop an organization aimed at serving patients with speech, language, and swallowing challenges and to educate and train Cambodian Speech and Language Therapists. Speech Therapy Cambodia currently provides ongoing training and supervision to 17 doctors, nurses, and PTs in hospitals across Phnom Penh. They are always looking for volunteers with experience travelling and/or working in developing countries to support the work they do in Cambodia. They also employ 2 licensed SLPs for a year-long contract to provide ongoing education and supervision to clinicians trained through STC as well as develop training materials for future university courses in Cambodia.

Work Visa Requirements

*Always check with your organization first to see what costs they are willing to cover and double check requirements with them!

For volunteers, your tourist visa (T class) is good for 30 days and you can renew this visa once for a total of 60 days. If you anticipate being in Cambodia longer than 60 days, go for the Ordinary Visa (E class) as this can be extended indefinitely after your 30 days with an E class visa extension (different E class types but most expats are covered by the EB which is described below!).

Work visas

EB Visa Extension covers most expats including those working, volunteering, and freelancing. You’ll need a stamped letter verifying your employment with a company in Cambodia and you’ll be eligible for a visa extension of 1, 3, 6, or 12 months (but go for 6 or 12-month extension as this will get you multiple entries in and out of Cambodia which is good for travel opportunities!)

For more information about visa types, check out this useful site.

Read more about living and working in Cambodia through my personal experience by checking out these blog posts written by myself and a colleague during our time working with the Cleft Lip and Palate population in 2015!

~Happy travels! want more? follow @SLPoverseas on instagram today!

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